Single Hydroponic Substrates

Hydrocorn XL RHP 16-25mm

Specifically designed to be misshaped and porous for the best large pebble substrate on the market.

Black bag of Gold Label Hydrocorn 50L

Great for Roots

Uneven structure and porous for better root formations

No Heavy Metals

Guaranteed absence of heavy metals and contaminants

Perfect For Hydroponics

Larger pebbles for more oxygen at the root zone

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      RHP and KIWA certified pebbles for a clean and root friendly inert hydroponic substrate.

      Pure Quality

      Our Hydrocorn, commonly called clay pebbles are manufactured from the purest quality clays and then baked in an open furnace ignited with high-grade clean fuels, which guarantees our pebbles have no heavy metals or other contaminants which can be detrimental to plant health and yields. 

      RHP Certification

       We are the only company that carries RHP certification for our clay pebbles, which makes it the professional growers number one choice of inert hydroponic substrate.

      Root Development

      The porous structure allows the roots to have a supply of water during low-frequency irrigations, and the misshaped structure gives your root system more structure and stability. The 16-25mm sized pebbles create an oxygen-rich environment, ready for high-frequency watering systems.

      EN Litres

      Due to the strongly increased international trade, a mandatory European standardized system has been introduced since 2000 (EN-12850 Soil-improvers and growing media - Determination of quantity). The EN volume is measured according to an internationally standardized method, whereby the specific density and humidity are decisive.

      Keep covered, in a dry, well-ventilated space.

      Keep away from direct sunlight.

Single Hydroponic Substrates

Single ingredient substrates that offer extra control.

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